Blau als Wandfarbe - und welche Kunst dazu passt

Blue as a wall color - and what art goes with it


Blue as a wall color: a blessing for the soul

Choosing the right wall color plays a crucial role in designing a room. A color that is gaining more and more attention in this context is blue. Aside from its aesthetic appeal, blue offers numerous mental health benefits and creates an environment that provides a beautiful and calming feeling.


Image: Parallels by Heinrich Spiepmann on a blue wall. In the foreground a laid breakfast table

The different shades of blue and their advantages:

Sky blue:

Sky blue is reminiscent of the clear sky on a sunny day and conveys a feeling of space and freedom. This nuance is particularly suitable for small rooms as it visually opens up the room and creates an airy ambience.

Sea blue:

The depth and calm of the sea blue create a relaxing atmosphere. This tone can help relieve stress and create a calming environment. Ideal for bedrooms or rooms where relaxation is the priority.

Royal blue:

Royal blue exudes elegance and sophistication. It works well as an accent wall and adds some depth to the room. Combined with neutral tones it creates a sophisticated look.


Artwork: Untitled by Andea Hanak in front of a dark blue wall

Mental health and wellbeing:

Calming effect:

Blue is known for its calming effect on the senses. It lowers blood pressure and heart rate, resulting in an overall feeling of relaxation. This is particularly important in rooms where stress is to be reduced, such as the bedroom or home office.

Encouraging Creativity:

Shades of blue can also encourage creativity. Artists and writers often appreciate the inspirational effects of blue, which can help open the mind and encourage innovative ideas.

Positive Mood:

The color blue is associated with positive emotions such as trust, peace and contentment. A room in blue can therefore promote a positive mood and create a harmonious environment.


Edition: Maravillas by Joan Miro on blue wall, with orange sofa and bookshelf

Blue as a wall color not only offers a wide range of aesthetic possibilities, but can also have a significant impact on our emotional well-being. The different shades of blue offer versatility, while the positive effects on mental health create a space that is not only beautiful but also conducive to relaxation and creativity. So if you're looking for a color that offers more than just visual appeal, blue could be the ideal choice for your walls. Immerse yourself in the world of blue tones and be inspired by the calming power of this color.

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